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The Art of Healing 

Welcome to my very new and exciting web page. This is my newest series of watercolour art works, called "The Art of Healing".

This series is very special to me and provides me with so much gratitude which I would like to share with you. I experienced a very challenging time in 2019/2020 due to severe health struggles. Short I was diagnosed with a very aggressive version of breast cancer (triple negative) which can easily spread to other parts of your body. So, after 10 sessions of aggressive chemo therapy treatment, a surgery and many appointments with specialists I decided to paint a very special series of artworks. The Art of Healing

These images kept me going during the whole time between doctor appointments, hospital visits, operations and chemo therapy and helped me to believe in myself and my body to heal. during chemo therapy but also whenever I had a minute to myself, I visualized a golden energy which is surrounding my organs and is protecting me and my body from any harm, but is also helping me to recover. 

Please, take a look through this gallery and let the paintings speak for themselves. I have started a series of limited edition prints (100 prints per image only), which are available in my website and Etsy store. 

If you have any questions, or are interested in pre orders, please contact me. 



This was one of my first paintings, which is called "Heartbeat".

If you scroll down on this page you will see that each painting has its own aura or burst of golden energy. This energy is unique to each organ.

This is the heart, the center of our body, and the gate to our inner selves and emotions. I believe that, true healing begins in your heart. The process of healing is for everyone different, but I guess everyone agrees that the heartbeat provides us with a rhythm of life, with activity, emotions and love. Healing is a form of selfcare and, as I have experienced in a very difficult time in life, I had to create something to demonstrate the compassion and love I have to life. I am grateful and thankful to be here, as a human on this planet, and I would like to share the Power of Healing with everyone who needs it.

This was my second painting, a painting of the anatomical Vagina.

I think this organ is often overlooked even though it is so unique and incredible adjustable, changeable and is able of creating new life. The flowers surrounding the vagina are lotus flowers, which stand for transformation and beauty, for change and rebirth.

In nature they have to grow from the dark muddy bottoms of lakes until they rise to the surface and turn into these gorgeous flowers. 

The green stands for hope and trust but also for healing. I painted this painting when doctors were telling me that I have very little chance of falling pregnant due to my chemo treatment. This painting provided me with hope and trust that my body will be okay and healthy. 

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"Nurturing Life"

Here is number three of my series -"Nurturing Life". 

This is the organ which in my case brought me on my difficult health journey in the first place and which lead me to this wonderful and inspiring series of artworks. It is the anatomical structure of a female breast, with its milk glands, fatty tissue and part of the lymphatic system. 

The lymphatic system is as important as the whole organ. Each cell has its roll to play in our body and creates the life we know. 

Surrounding the breast is a circle of golden flowers and a dragonfly. The flowers but also the dragonfly stand for rebirth and transformation, being able to nurture and create life. 

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"The Beauty Within"

"Deep Breath"

Here is painting number four, an anatomical painting of the lungs, surrounded by a golden aura of ocean creatures.

The lungs! What an amazing organ, which can help with stress relive- simply breath your stress away and it helps to regulate yourself better. I also believe that our lungs provide us with so much more than just stress relive. 

In our lungs we have more than 480 million alveoli. Each alveoli is like a little bubble which allows us to exchange oxygen in 't within our body. Wow isn't that amazing in itself? 

The animals surrounding the lungs are spirit animals and in their spiritual meaning they are supporting our lungs perfectly. 

Humpback whale: its all about listen to your inner voice to make the best decision, it encourages and embraces emotions and symbolizes your own creative energy. 

Manta Rays: are sensitive to the flow if energy and can help being more efficient. They help to navigate the different depths of your emotions.

The Shark: The shark helps to guide you through decisions and helps you to figure out a course of action. 

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The brain is our mindpower, our driver our center of emotional regulation. It regulates our body functions, movements and intentions. Our brain is just like a huge computer and processor but it is also much more than that. If we know how to think into our brains and start to regulate them we are able to heal ourselves. Surround the Brain are all of our different brainwaves. These brainwaves can be measured in a medical environment. It is clinical tested that these brainwaves affect us humans in different ways. Brainwaves like Delta brainwaves (the last outer line in the painting) are the slowest recorded brain waves in human beings. They are found most often in infants and young children, and are associated with the deepest levels of relaxation and restorative, healing sleep.

This means we are able to use techniques like meditation to change our brainwaves to more positive ones.

"System stabiliser"

This is my painting of the Kidneys and the bladder. The kidneys are really beautiful and have so much details within the organ. Their function is really outstanding as they are powerful chemical factories. Kidneys are not just removing waste products from the body like drugs and medication, they also help to balance the body's fluids, release hormones that regulate blood pressure, produce an active form of vitamin D that promotes strong, healthy bones and control the production of red blood cells. this to me is amazing itself. 

The surrounding aura or golden energy is a circle of different types of mushrooms. Mushroom circles are something very special. The mushroom stands for connection as they grow a large root system under the ground to communicate with each other. But it is also a place of chaos, transformation and often a place of Ancestors and is tied to rebirth and the recycling of everything that has died. The kidneys are also one of the first organs build in a fetus. 

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"Power Plant"

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This painting is the painting of the liver surrounded by a wealth of Milk Thistles flowers. Milk Thistles are pretty purple flowers which are known to help support our liver. 

The liver is an incredible organ. It is one of the largest organs of the human body and has the characteristic that if we remove three quarters of it, we are alive and able to regenerate.

It is responsible for multiple functions, participates in digestion, in the composition of blood, produces and stores energy and acts as a detoxifier.

In traditional Chinese acupuncture it is believed that the liver is linked to anger.

Yellow relates to self worth- How we feel about ourselves and how others perceive us. This is the area of the personality, the ego and the intellect and of self confidence.

"We are what we Eat"

This is my eighth painting within this series of artworks. 

I used rainbow colours for the intestines to demonstrate the diversity of the bacteria living inside of us and to demonstrate how much these bacteria are actually doing for us. These tiny living bacteria are very important for us to be in good health. An imbalance of the many different bacteria, too many or not enough can cause mild to severe health issues. Also these bacteria are partly produced and promoted by the food we eat.

The herbs surrounding the intestines are remedies which are supporting our gut and digestive system. The herbs surrounding the intestines are Bitter candytuft, Angelica, Caraway, Chamomile, St Maries Thistle, Lemon Balm, Greater celandine, Peppermint and Licorice.



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Neurons or nerve cells) are the fundamental units of the brain and nervous system, the cells responsible for receiving sensory input from the external world, for sending motor commands to our muscles, and for transforming and relaying the electrical signals at every step in between.


I had significant damage on my PMS, which is slowly healing and repairing. Because of this experience and how much this impacted me, I can now relate more then ever relate to the importance and health of our body.

Here a fun and interesting fact about neurons:

New neurons can be formed, this is called Neurogenesis. Usually from learning something new but damaged neurons can also heal. 

The golden circle surrounding the neuron shows different frogs. The frog supports us in times of change. Strongly associated with the water element, it connects us with the world of emotions and feminine energies, as well as the process of cleansing, whether it’s physical, emotional, or more spiritual or energetic.

The frog helps to heal wounds- physical and emotional wounds.

"New Life"

Here is one of my latest paintings in this series called "New Life". It is close to my hart as the whole series of artworks is and I hope it is as meaningful to you as it is to me. 

Think about what we as women can accomplish and how much effort and energy it takes to create new life.

When a women is pregnant the cells of the baby migrate into the women’s bloodstream and circulate back into babies body. For 40 ish weeks these cells merge and cross. After baby is born, the interchanges cells stay in the mothers body, leaving an imprint in her tissue, her bones, brain and skin and will stay there for decades.

Every pregnancy leaves an imprint in your body, even if a pregnancy doesn’t go full term or a women is having an abortion, these cells are still merging into the mothers bloodstream.

Studies have shown that cells of a fetus in a mothers brain, 18 years after she has given birth. Research also suggest that we carry these cells for years and years even after a women has given birth.

A women’s body made and hold her baby, but the baby also made the mother. Leaving pieces of itself to forever floating through a women’s body, helping her to heal.
This is called fetal-maternal microchimerism.

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The thyroid is located in your neck in the front of your neck and is shaped like a butterfly. Your thyroid is a gland and produces a hormone called thyroxine. It has an important job to do within your body - releasing and controlling thyroid hormones that controls your metabolic rate, such as controlling of your heart, muscle and digestive function, brain development and bone maintenance. Metabolism is a process where the food you take into your body is transformed into energy.

The butterflies surrounding the thyroid stand for the quick change which can happen if the thyroid is out of balance. As the thyroid is such an important organ and does so many beautiful and significant functions in our body. I also wanted to showcase these in my interpretation. The circle of golden energy with the flowers and the butterflies resemble growth, nourishment and life. It is a form of selfcare and transformation.  Further, the butterfly's also resemble the actual shape of the thyroid. 

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